Category Archives: Vilna Gaon Shiurim

Asarah Klalim 1-4

Shiur 1

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_1.flv 415 210]
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Shiur 2

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_2.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 2
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 2
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Shiur 3
[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_3.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 3
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 3
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Shiur 4

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_4.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 4
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Asarah Klalim 5-8

Shiur 5

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_5.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 5
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Shiur 6

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_6.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 6
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 6
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Shiur 7

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_7.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 7
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 7
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Shiur 8 The Breaking of the Vessels

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_8.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 8
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 8
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Asarah Maamarim 9-12

Shiur 9

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_9.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 9
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 9
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Shiur 10

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_10.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 10
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 10
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Shiur 11

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_11.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 11
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 11
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Shiur 12

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_12.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 12
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 12
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Asarah Klalim 13-16

Shiur 13

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_13.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 13
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 13
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Shiur 14

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_14.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 14
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 14
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Shiur 15

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_15.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 15
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 15
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Shiur 16

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_16.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 16
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Asarah Klalim Shiur 16
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Asarah Maamarim 17-20

Shiur 17

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_17.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 17
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 17
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Shiur 18

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_18.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 18
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 18
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Shiur 19

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_19.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 19
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 19
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Shiur 20

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_20.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 20
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 20
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Asarah Maamarim 21-24

Shiur 21

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_21.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 21
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 21
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Shiur 22

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_22.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 22
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 22
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Shiur 23

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_23.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 23
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 23
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Shiur 24

[flv:/gravideo/Gaon_24.flv 415 210]
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 24
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Asarah Maamarim Shiur 24
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