Monthly Archives: November 2008

History and Development of the Talmud part 8

Historical Truth versus Textural Truth

In this radical and exciting shiur Rabbi Triebitz discusses and develops an idea of Rabbi Professor Shaul Lieberman – the distinction between “historical truth” to “textural truth”. With this idea Rabbi Triebitz explains the incomensurability between the approach of the academics and the Rabbis.

“Historical truth” involves conjecture using textual analysis and other techniques to ascertain the text in its historical context. “Textural truth” attempts to understand how the text and later authorities understood the text. Analysis of the “Jewish tradition” – how later commentaries viewed the text.

According to Lieberman only the second form is valid. According to Rabbi Triebitz only the second is Orthodox.

Rabbi Triebitz then looks at the Baal HaMaor and Milchemes on Bava Metziah (p. 28 on the pages of the Rif) and then looks at a very interesting opinion of Rabbeinu Tam in Bava Kamma 70a.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_08.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 8
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History and Development of the Talmud 08
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Negative Theology 8

Rambam vs Kant and the Cosmological Proof

Rabbi Triebitz focusses on Section I Chapter 57 of Moreh Nevuchim.

He also quotes from Section II Chapter 13

and Section II Chapter 2 in the course of the shiur.

He discusses Rambam’s cosmological proof, and compares it to Kant’s refutation of the Ontological proof and thus his refutation of the Cosmological Proof (which he claims is based upon it). Rabbi Triebitz comes up with a new reading of Rambam which is compelling and which answers Kant’s objections.

Video of shiur 8
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Negative Theology 8;
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Negative Theology 8

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History and Development of the Talmud part 7

History & Development of Talmud shiur 7
Showing Continuity to the Stam

Rabbi Triebitz refutes Halivni’s claim that the stamaim lived a long time after Rav Ashi and that they didn’t understand what the Amoraim were talking about. He does this by analyzing the Gemara in Avoda Zara 71a and shows, using Ramban and other Rishonim, that Ravina begins the ‘stam’ of the gemara by asking a question directly to Rav Ashi.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_07.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 7
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History and Development of the Talmud 07
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Negative Theology 7

No physical description can be given to G-d

Rabbi Triebitz learns through three chapters of Moreh Nevuchim:

Section I Chapter 55 of Moreh Nevuchim.

Section I Chapter 56 of Moreh Nevuchim.

Section I Chapter 57 of Moreh Nevuchim.

Rabbi Triebitz covers a lot of ground in this shiur, and prepares the way for next week’s shiur which will explain the ontological proof in detail, and its connection to the cosmological proof.


Video of shiur 7
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Negative Theology ;
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Negative Theology 7

Rabbi Triebitz quotes (again) from this book:

Theology and the Scientific Imagination by Amos Funkenstein

Theology and the Scientific Imagination by Amos Funkenstein

Theology and the Scientific Imagination by Amos Funkenstein

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History and Development of the Talmud part 6

History & Development of Talmud shiur 6
Esrog shel Orlah part 2

Rabbi Triebitz goes through the Gemara Succah 35a line by line and shows how his understanding of the development of the Talmud leads to a new reading of the gemara.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_06.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 6
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History and Development of the Talmud 06
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Negative Theology 6

Leadership and Prophecy

Rabbi Triebitz finishes Section I Chapter 54 of Moreh Nevuchim.

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz (and Rambam) discusses the qualities of a leader and the hidden message of Moreh Nevuchim about Moshe Rabbeinu.

Video of shiur 6
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Negative Theology 6

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Negative Theology 6

Rabbi Triebitz also references Section II Chapter 39 Moreh Nevuchim:

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History & Development of Talmud 5

History & Development of Talmud shiur 5
Esrog shel Orlah

Rabbi Triebitz goes through the Gemara Succah 35a line by line and shows how his understanding of the development of the Talmud leads to a new reading of the gemara.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_05.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 5
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History and Development of the Talmud 05
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