Monthly Archives: July 2009

Leshem Shiur 11

G-d in the World

In this final shiur (for the z’man) Rabbi Triebitz shows how the philosophy of the Leshem relates to the world. He shows how the Nefesh HaChaim’s view of the world, Torah and Mitzvos is based upon the Leshem’s understanding of the spiritual world (though the Leshem came later historically, his ideas are prior).

This is a very good summary of the past 10 shiurim and the purpose in learning the kabbalistic basis of hashkafa.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/leshem/leshem_11.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 11

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 11
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 11

Taamei HaMitzvos 12

Taamei HaMitzvos

Originally we had suggested that there may be 20 shiurim on this topic, but in fact because of the way the calendar has fallen out this is probably the final shiur on Taamei HaMitzvos.

Rabbi Triebitz clarifies and explains what he meant at the end of the previous shiur, and reconciles Rambam’s statment in the end of hilchot me’ila with his words in Moreh Nevuchim.

Thank you for listening to these shiurim. You can continue to send me feedback and/or questions to admin at

You can watch and download the shiurim below.

[flv:/mnt/mnt_12.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 12

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Taamei HaMitzvos 12
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Taamei HaMitzvos 12

Leshem Shiur 10

Leshem Shiur

Worlds within worlds.

This shiur contains what seems to me to be a lot of complex mathematics and graph plotting of different parts of worlds and souls and their extensions into other souls.

Apparently it is all very simple, but it confused me. Good luck with it.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/leshem/leshem_10.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 10

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 10
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 10

Taamei HaMitzvos 11

Taamei HaMitzvos

Rabbi Triebitz tries to answer the questions he asked last week from Moreh Nevuchimsection III; chapter 32

If Rambam holds that sacrifices are only a concession to wean the Jews away from paganism, why do they still apply at a later time in history when there is no more desire for idolatry?

Rabbi Triebitz quotes Ramban’s introduction to Vayikra who argues with Rambam as to the reason for sacrifices. Rabbi Triebitz presents a new understanding of Ramban.

He also quotes the Meshech Chochma, who explains Rambam’s position.

He then ends the shiur with a radical new understanding of Rambam and resolution of the question, which will be discussed further next week.

Until then… (same bat time, same bat channel)

You can watch and download the shiurim below. Please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/mnt/mnt_11.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 11

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Taamei HaMitzvos 11
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Taamei HaMitzvos 11

Leshem Shiur 09

Leshem Shiur

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/leshem/leshem_09.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 09

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 09
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 09