Monthly Archives: July 2011

13 Ikkarim 19 – Resurrection

In the Commentary on the Mishna Rambam writes only a few words about belief in the resurrection of the dead. His main discussion of the subject is in Chapter 8 of Hilchot Teshuva

The Raavad there in two places attacks Rambam and claims that it appears that Rambam does not believe in a physical resurrection of the dead!

Rambam defends himself in Maamar Techiyat HaMeitim

Professor Marc Shapiro, in ‘The Limits of Orthodox Beleif’, claims that for Rambam, resurrection means Olam HaBa.

Rabbi Triebitz offers an alternative explanation, based on other sources.

This is the final shiur in the Ikarim series, and Rabbi Triebitz gives a brief summary of the purpose of the Ikarim, and the distinction between belief and halacha.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 19

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Thirteen Ikarim 19
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Thirteen Ikarim 19