The Journal of the Hashkafa Circle
The first edition of Reshimu is available online. You can download the whole journal, or specific articles. You can also purchase it in book form from
Here are the downloads (in pdf form)
Rabbi David Sedley
Rambams Theory of Negative Theology: Divine Creation and Human Interpretation
Rabbi Meir Triebitz
Chovot Halevavot or more? The philosophy of R’ Bachya
Rabbi Moshe Becker
Silence is your praise: Maimonides Approach to Knowing God: An Introduction to Negative Theology
Rabbi Rafael Salber
The Perception of Reality: Contrasting Views of the Nature of Existence
Rabbi David Sedley
Maimonidess Philosophy of the Evolutionary Structure of Jewish Law and of Natural Processes
Rabbi Meir Triebitz
D’oraita, D’rabanan and Divrei Soferim: Interpretations to Shoresh Sheini of Sefer Hamitzvot
Rabbi Moshe Becker
The Structure of Tradition
Rabbi Lippy Heller