Category Archives: History of Kaballah

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz looks again at the argument between the Arizal and the Vilna Gaon about the higher and lower unions of Abba and Ima/ Chochma and Binah.

He shows the practical differences in hashkafa between them, and claims that each of them, in addition to the philosophical view they are propounding, is describing his function and place in history.

The Arizal can be found in Sefer Maamarei Rashbi p. 59a-b (though I haven’t found it yet – please send me the correct page someone. Here is the link to the book)

The Gra appears in Safra de-Tzneiusa 13d, and the same ideas are presented in Nefesh HaChaim. Sorry, don’t have links for that yet either.

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

Rabbi Triebitz quotes the Arizal who claims that his concept of partzufim was known, though concealed, by Ramban and Sefer HaBahir. Rabbi Triebitz asks where and how does the Ari find allusions to this concept in those texts (apart from through Divine Inspiration, which is also the correct answer)?

He shows the similarities between the concepts of partzufim and hyuli, and again discusses ‘being’ and ‘becoming’. He also shows that the Vilna Gaon seems to argue on the Arizal as to which is the higher concept of the two.

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 05

Breaking the Vessels

Another concept which was introduced for the first time by the Arizal is that of Sheviras HaKeilim (breaking the vessels), which also describes the process of declension of worlds.

Rabbi Triebitz observes that the concept, to which the Arizal (Rav Chaim Vital) devotes two chapters in the Etz Chaim, is redefined by the commentators on Etz Chaim to be either another term for tzimtzum, or a minor part of the process of creation. The Gra, Tanya and Ramchal all seem to water down the idea so that it is no longer the same as the way it was presented by Rav Chaim Vital.

This may be another example of taking their cue from Mahari Sarug (see Emek HaMelech, who also changes the meaning of shevirah).

Rabbi Triebitz has a novel (and conceptually difficult) explanation of why this transformation occurred.

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 05

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 05
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 05

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 04

Partners in Creation

One of the major differences between the kaballah of Rav Moshe Cordovero and the Ari is the concept of tzimtzum. Remak speaks about ‘hishtalshalus’ – spreading out, but has no concept of contraction.

As in last week’s shiur, the basis of everything is with the following quote from the page 42b in the Zohar Shemos

Rabbi Triebitz quotes a lot from Pardes Rimonim (from Rav Cordovero) available here:
Pardes Rimonim (Grimoar – text) or here
Pardes Rimonim (Hebrew Books – pdf)
Shaar 4 perek 8
Shaar 6 perek 8
and Shaar 8 perek 3

The Arizal’s concept of creation involves both ‘histalkus’ (tzimtzum) and ‘hispashtus’.

Rav Chaim Vital, quoting the Arizal, in Mevo She’arim, speaks of many different repititions of tzimtzum

The Leshem in the title page of Sefer HaKlalim explains that these two concepts are the basis of the entire structure of the Arizal.

Rav Triebitz explains what this difference means in ‘practical’ terms, likening it to the difference between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.

The Remak speaks only in terms of man’s viewpoint, whereas the Ari makes man a partner in creation with G-d.

Rav Triebitz also speaks about how the Ari combined the two concepts of ‘being‘ and ‘becoming‘ which was an argument between Parmenides and Heraclitus.

Enjoy this wonderful shiur

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 04

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 04
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 04

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 03

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz explains the difference in approach to kaballah between the Arizal and his teacher (if he had a teacher), Rav Moshe Cordovero.

It all begins with the following quote from the page 42b in the Zohar Shemos

Rabbi Triebitz quotes a lot from Pardes Rimonim (from Rav Cordovero) available here:
or here

He also quotes again from the Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim, which is not online.

Here is the source from the Etz Chaim.

The first chakira of Rav Chaim in Etz Chaim

(If you prefer, here is a text version of Etz Chaim, rather than the pdf)

He also quotes from the end of the Etz Chaim (p. 119) but I can’t seem to find it in any of the online versions that I looked it. Please send me the link if you can find it.

Enjoy this wonderful shiur

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 03

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 03
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 03

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 02

This is possibly the best shiur I’ve ever heard from Rabbi Triebitz (I know I said that last week, but this one was even better)! He shows that almost everyone was influenced by Mahari Sarug, and one of the most common ‘kabbalistic’ phrases we hear nowadays can only be based upon Olam HaMalbush.

He also explains why Rav Chaim Vital did not include the concept of Olam HaMalbush in the Etz Chaim, and has a radically new understanding of the second chakira which opens that book.

Here are the sources for this amazing shiur:

Nefesh HaChaim perek 4 shaar 10

Unfortunately the Leshem: Hakdamos u-Shearim is still not available online, but if you have access to it look at p. 123 and 124

I also can’t find Rav Tzadok’s Sefer HaZichronos online (I can only find the second volume, which I’m pretty sure is the wrong book – but definitely worth going through if you have a lot of spare time)

Rav Chaim Vital’s introduction to Etz Chaim

The second chakira of Rav Chaim in Etz Chaim

(If you prefer, here is a text version of Etz Chaim, rather than the pdf)

Enjoy this wonderful shiur

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 02

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 02
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 02

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 01

This is the first in a series of shiurim from Rabbi Triebitz on the history of Kaballah, using the Tanya (shaar hayichud ve-ha-emunah) as the springboard to go forward and backward in history. This is possibly the most exciting series of shiurim he has ever given.

Here are the sources for the shiur. I’m not going to write a summary because I can’t do it justice, but the main topic is G-d’s immanence in the world through the letters of the Torah.

Tanya (Shaar HaYichud ve-ha-Emunah chapter 1)

(English translation of Tanya)

Sefer Yetzirah 2:4 (231 gates)

Baal Shem Tov bio

Dov Ber of Mezeritch bio

Rav Shneur Zalman bio

Likutei Halachos Behar 43

Emek HaMelech bio

Mahari Sarug bio

Etz Chaim tzimtzum and kav

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 01

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 01
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 01